Sammlung Ryhiner
1904 Scotiae provinciae

Mercia vulgo vicecomitatvs Bervicensis: = The Merce or shirrefdome of Berwick: auct Timothei Pont
A new description of the shyres Lothian and Linlitqvo: be T. Pont ; Judocus Hondius cælavit ; sumptibus Andreæ Hart
A new description of the shyres Lothian and Linlitqvo: be T. Pont ; Henricus Hondius excudit
Lothian and Linlitqvo: Joh. et Cornelius Blaeu exc.
Provinciæ Lauden seu Lothien et Linlitouo
Tvedia cum vicecomitatu Etterico Forestæ etiam Selkirkæ dictus: = Twee-dail with the sherifdome of Etterik-Forrest called also Selkirk: auct. Timotheo Pont
Teviotia vulgo Tivedail: auct. Tim. Pont. ; Io. Blaeu excudit
Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio: = Lidisdail: auct. Timotheo Pont
Evia et Escia, scotis Evsdail et Eskdail: auct. Tim. Pont ; I. Blaeu excud
Lavdelia sive Lavderdalia scotis vulgo Lavderdail: auct. Tim. Pont
Annandiæ præfectura, vulgo the stewartrie of Annandail: auct. Timotheo Pont. ; excud. Io. Blaeu
Nithia vicecomitatvs: = The shirifdome of Nidis-dail: auctore Timotheo Pont
Gallovidia vernacule Galloway: auct. Timoth: Pont
Præfectvra Kircvbriensis, quæ Gallovidiæ maxime orientalis pars est: = The steuartrie of Kircubright, the most easterlie part of Galloway: auct. Tim. Pont
Gallovidiæ pars media, quæ Deam et Cream fluvios interjacet: = The middle-part of Galloway, whiche lyeth betweene the rivers Dee and Cree: auct. Tim. Pont
Gallovidiæ pars occidentalior, in qua vicecomitatvs Victoniensis cum regalitate Glenlucensi: = The sherifdome of Wigtoun w.t the regalitie of Glen-Luze both in Galloway: auct. Timoth. Pont
Carricta meridionalis: = The south part of Carrick: auct. Tim. Pont
Caricta borealis vulgo the northpart of Carrick: opus Timothei Pont
Coila provincia: = The province of Kyle: auct. Timoth: Pont
Cvninghamia: ex schedis Timotheo Pont. ; Ioannes Blaeu excudebat
Præfectura Renfroana vulgo dicta Baronia: = The baronie of Renfrow: Timotheus Pont auctor
Glottiana præfectvra svperior: = The vpper ward of Clyds-dayl: auct. Timoth: Pont
Glottiana præfectvra inferior, cvm baronia Glascvensi: = The nether warde of Clyds-dail, and baronie of Glasco: auct. Timoth. Pont
Sterlinensis præfectvra: = Sterlin-shyr: auct. Timoth Pont
Fifæ vicecomitatvs: = The sherifdome of Fyfe
Fifæ pars occidentalis: = The west part of Fife
Fifæ pars orientalis: = The east part of Fife
Levinia, vice comitatvs: = The province of Lennox, called the shyre of Dun-Britton: auct. Timoth: Pont
Lorna cum insulis vicinis et provinciis eidem conterminis: = Lorn w.t the yles and provinces bordering there-vpon: auct. Timoth. Pont
Knapdalia provincia, que sub Argathelia censetur: = The province of Knapdail which is accounted a member of Argyll: auct. Timoth. Pont
Cantyra chersonesus: = Cantyr a demie-yland: auctor Timoth. Pont
Angusia provincia scotiæ sive the shire of Angus
Dvo vicecomitatvs Aberdonia & Banfia: una cum regionibus & terrarum tractibus sub iis comprehensis = A description of the two shyres Aberdene and Banf : with such countreys and provinces as ar comprehended under them: auctore Roberto Gordonio à Straloch
Moravia scotiæ provincia: ex Timothei Pont scedis descripta et aucta per Robert Gordonium à Strathloch
Lochabria, omnesq[ue] insulæ versus occidentem sitæ, ut Visto, Mulla, aliæque
Strath-Navernia: = Strath-Navern: auct. Timotheo Pont
Cathenesia: = Caithness: auct. Timotheo Pont
Scotiæ provinciæ mediterraneæ inter Taum flumen et vararis æstuarium: sunt autem Braid-Allaban: Atholia, Marria svperior, Badenocha, Strath-Spea, Lochabria : cum chersoneso qui ei ad occasum prætenditur; cum singulis earundem partibus = A description of the inland provinces of Scotland lying betueen Tay river and Murra fyrth : conteyning Braid-Allaban, Athol, Brae of Mar, Badenoch, Strath-Spey, Lochabyr, w.t al ye lands which ley west from Lochabyr w.t all thair parts conteyned under them: opera Ro. Gordonii a Straloch
Extima Scotiæ septentrionalis ora: ubi provinciæ sunt Rossia, Svtherlandia, Cathenesia, Strath-Naverniæ, cum vicinis regiunculis quæ eis subsunt, etiamque Moravia: R. Gordonius à Strath-loch collegit et descripsit
Scotiæ provinciæ intra flumen Taum, et Murra fyrth sitæ, utpote Moravia, Badenocha, Atholia, Aberdonia, Baneia et Mernis: apud G. Valk et P. Schenk
Carte des environs d'Edenburg: qui comprend les shires ou comtés d'Edenburg, d'Haddingtoun, de Berwick, de Linlithgow, de Lanerk, de Stirling, de Clackmannan, de Kinross, de Fife &c: tirée de la grande carte d'Ecosse de Dowet ingénieur du duc d'Argile [=James Dorret], par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy géographe ordin. du roi, ... ; gravé par E. Dussy ; [Titelkartusche:] Arrivet inv. & sculp.