Sammlung Ryhiner
1812 Principatus Waliae

Cambriae typvs: auctore Hvmfredo Lhvydo denbigiense cambrobritan[n]o
Cambriae typvs: auctore Hvmfredo Lhvydo denbigiense cambrobritan[n]o
Cambriae typus: auctore Humfredo Lhuydo denbigiense cambrobritanno ; Petrus Kærius cæla.
Cambriae typus: auctore Humeredo Lhuydo denbigiense cambrobritanno ; Petrus Kærius cæla.
Wallia principatvs vulgo Wales
Principauté de Galles: ou sont les comtés, ou shiries de Anglesey I. Carnarvan, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, et Montgomery en Nort-Walles; Cardigan, Radnor, Breknock, Glamorgan, Carmarden, et Penbrock en Sout-Walles: par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville geogr. ord. du roy
Principauté de Galles: ou sont les comtés, ou shiries de Anglesey I. Carnarvan, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, et Montgomery en Nort-Walles; Cardigan, Radnor, Breknock, Glamorgan, Carmarden, et Penbrock en Sout-Walles: par le Sr. Sanson géographe du roi
An accurate map of North Wales: divided into its counties; viz. Carnarvonshire Flintshire Denbeighshire Merionythshire Montgomeryshire with the isle of Anglesey : improved from the best surveys & intelligences and ilustrated with historical extracts relative to its air, soil, natural produce, trade manufactures &c.
Das Fürstenthum Wales
Denbigiensis comitatus et comitatus Flintensis: = Denbigh et Flintshire
Comitatvs Caernarvoniensis; vernacule Carnarvon-Shire. et Mona insvla vulgo Anglesey
Montgomeria comitatus et comitatus Mervinia
Radnoria comitatvs: = Radnor Shire
Comitatvs Brechiniæ: = Breknoke
Ceretica; sive Cardiganensis comitatus; anglis Cardigan Shire
Penbrochia comitatus et comitatus Caermaridvnvm
Glamorganensis comitatvs; vulgo Glamorgan Shire
An accurate map of Radnor Shire: drawn from an actual survey, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, air, soil, trade, manufactures &c.: by Tho: Kitchin geog:r
An accurate map of Brecknock Shire: drawn from an actual survey, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to the air, soil, natural produce; also some account of its trade and manufactures: by Tho: Kitchin geog:r
An accurate map of Cardigan Shire: drawn from an actual survey with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, trade, manufactures, air, soil, &c.: by T. Kitchin geographer
An accurate map of Pembroke Shire: drawn from an actual survey, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, trade, present state of its principal towns, &c.: by T. Kitchin geog.r
An accurate map of Carmarthen Shire: drawn from an actual survey, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to the air, soil, natural produce, trade & manufactures: by Tho: Kitchin geographer ; [Titelkartusche:] A. Walker sculp.
An accurate map of Glamorgan Shire: drawn from an actual survey, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, air, soil, trade, manufactures, &c.: by Tho: Kitchin geog.r