Titel A new & accurate map of the North Pole : with all the countries hitherto discovered situated near or adjacent to it as well as some others more remote / drawn from the latest and best authorities and regulated by astronom.l observat.ns by Eman. Bowen
Band 1106 Hemisphäral- und Polarkarten
Orte / Regionen Nördliche Hemisphäre
Impressum [London] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], [1752]
Umfang 1 Karte : Kupferdruck ; 37 x 40 cm
Sprache Englisch
Kartendaten [Kein Massstab angegeben] (W 180°00'-E 180°00'/N 90°00'-N 50°00')
DOI https://doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-105079