Sammlung Ryhiner
1809 Provinciae regni Merciae boreales

Rvtlandia comitatvs: = Rvtland Shire
Leicestrensis comitatvs: = Leicester Shire
Leicestrensis comitatvs cum Rvtlandiæ vulgo Leicester & Rutland Shire
An accurate map of the counties of Leicester and Rutland: divided into their respective hundreds : drawn from the best authorities & illustrated with historical extracts relative to natural history produce trade & manufactures, distinguishing also amongst various other improvements, the rectories, vicarages, charity schools, religious houses &c.: by Eman Bowen geog:r to His Majesty
Lincolnia comitatvs anglis Lincoln-Shire
An accurate map of Lincolnshire: divided into its wapontakes : laid down from the best authorities, and most approved maps and charts, with various additional improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to the air, soil, natural produce, manufactures, trade & present state of its principal towns: by Eman. Bowen geog.r to His Majesty
Comitatvs Nottinghamiensis: = Nottingham Shire
An accurate map of Nottingham Shire: describing its wapontakes and divisions : drawn from the best authorities, assisted by the most approved modern maps, with various improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, air, soil, trade, manufactures and present state of the principal towns: by Eman: Bowen geog.r to His Majesty
Darbiensis comitatvs vernacule Darbie Shire
Comitatvs Darbiensis
An accurate map of the county of Derby: divided into its hundreds and drawn from the best authorities : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural curiosites, mines, minerals, trade and manufactories : shewing also amongst various improvements, the rectories vicarages, charity schools, religious houses &c: by Eman: Bowen geog.r to His Majesty
Staffordiensis comitatvs; vulgo Stafford Shire
An improved map of the county of Stafford: divided into its hundreds; collected from the best materials, and illustrated with various additional improvements; with historical extracts, relating to its natural produce, trade, manufactures &c: by Eman. Bowen geog.r to His Majesty
Comitatvs Salopiensis; anglice Shrop Shire
An accurate map of Shrop Shire: divided into its hundreds : drawn and compiled from the most approved maps & surveys, & illustrated with various additional improvements : also, historical extracts relative to trade, manufactures, natural history &c. not extant in any other map of this county: by Eman. Bowen geog.r to His Majesty
Actual survey of the county of Salop, 1
Actual survey of the county of Salop, 2
Actual survey of the county of Salop, 3
Actual survey of the county of Salop, 4
Cestria comitatvs palatinvs
Cestria comitatvs palatinvs: = The countye palatine of Chester
An accurate map of the county palatine of Chester: divided into its hundreds : drawn from the best authorities assisted by the most approved modern maps & charts with historical extracts relative to its trade, manufactures, natural produce and the present state of the city of Chester and the other principal towns: by Eman: Bowen geog. to His Majesty