Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis anglice York Shire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis pars occidentalis: = The westriding of Yorke Shire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis pars orientalis: = The eastriding of Yorkeshire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis pars borealis: = The northriding of York Shire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis. anglice Yorkshire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis pars occidentalis: = The westriding of Yorke Shire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
Dvcatvs Eboracensis pars orientalis: = The eastriding of Yorke Shire
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
An accurate map of the County of York: divided into its ridings and subdivided into wapontakes : drawn from surveys with various improvements : shewing also by concentrick circles, the distances of all places in the county from the city of York: by Eman: Bowen geographer to His Majesty ; [Titelkartusche:] Ant. Walker del et sculp
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
An accurate map of the west riding of York Shire: divided into its wapontakes : drawn from surveys, with various additional improvements: illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, mines, minerals, manufactures, trade and the present state of its principal towns: by Eman.l Bowen geographer to His Majesty
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
An accurate map of the east riding of York Shire: divided into its wapontakes &c. : drawn from surveys, with various additional improvements : illustrated with historical extracts relative to its natural produce, mines, minerals, manufactures, trade and present state of its principal towns: by Eman: Bowen geog:r to His Majesty
Provinciae regni Northumbriae
An accurate map of the north riding of York Shire: divided into its wapontakes : drawn from surveys, with various additional imrovements : illustrated with historical extracts relating to its natural produce, mines, minerals, manufactures, trade & present state of the city of York and its principal towns: by Eman: Bowen geographer to His Majesty